Serbian-Hungarian businesses creating common future
Entrepreneur seminar

On 14.-15. June the Development Fund of Vojvodina „Háló” organized a two-day long seminar, where farmers, members of civil organizations and entrepreneurs working in agriculture or food industry had been invited.
The meeting was supposed to create and strengthen the relationship (formal and informal) between Hungarian and Serbian stakeholders near the borderline. The event was part of an IPA Cross-border Cooperation Program (South Pannon Food Chain Network) initiated by 3 organizations: the Development Fund of Vojvodina "Háló", the Regional Scientific Organization and the Csongrád County Agricultural Non-profit Public Benefit Ltd. The participants could listen to the presentation of six respected experts, they could ask for advices on future plans, ideas and worries.
We were honored to welcome M.Sc Tivadar Bunford (President of the Development Fund of Vojvodina "Háló"), Janos Dobai (deputy secretary, Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry), dr. Nebojša Novković (professor, University of Novi Sad – Agriculture), Zoltan Szabo (manager, Csongrád County Agricultural Non-profit Public Benefit Ltd.), Klara Szecsei Bus (entrepreneur, executive of the company Geneza) and Mihaly Szecsei (retired professor).
Pictures of the seminar can be viewed in our photo gallery.
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