Co-operation Agreement
On 9.11.2011 the Development Fund of Vojvodina "Háló" and 8 organizations signed a co-operation agreement.

The co-operation agreement was signed by the Development Fund of Vojvodina "Háló" and the following organizations:
Podunavlje - Asocijacija za razvoj Zapadno-bačkog okruga, Doroslovo
Istvan Peter, president
Centar za razvoj i informisanje - FOKUS-M, Muzlja
Gyula Madarasz, president
ICR – Center for Information and Development, Kanjiza
Robert Fejsztamer, director
Udruzenje bastovana Senta, Senta
Laszlo Lengyel, president
Udruzenje poljoprivrednika "Gazdakör", Feketic
Kalman Orosz, president
Farmer's Association of Subotica, Subotica
Arpad Kiss, president
Udruzenje za razvoj Potiskog regiona, Ada
Kornel Ulijan, vice president
Asocijacija za razvoj opstine Backa Topola, Backa Topola
Endre Balassa, programme co-ordinator
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